The following is how many PPEs are in the city's COPID inventory 12D011A1-74B9-4542-930E-FA179FCBF0B6 B862F6AA-DB7B-44E3-8FF5-20E603ED9DFB btn_playGenericWhite 12D011A1-74B9-4542-930E-FA179FCBF0B6B-20F9B-6E930 74B6E930 74B B862F6AA-DB7B- 44E3-8FF5-20E603ED9DFB 12D011A1-74B9-4542-930E-FA179FCBF0B6 B862F6AA-DB7B-44E3-8FF5-20E603ED9DFB 12D011A1-74B9F-F4F4-20-930E -20E603A93074EDB-179-FCB9 -44E3-8FF5-20E603ED9DFB 12D011A1-74B9-4542- 930E-FA179FCBF0B6 B862F6AA-DB7B-44E3-8FF5EE-FAB9B6B9B-B9B-F9B-F9A-B9B-F9A-B9B-F9A-B9B9-20E603E-B9B9-B9ED lihlopha tse 2 Tlatsa lihlopha tse 2 tsa Tlatsa

New York (1010 win) -Moetsi oa molao o fane ka tlhahiso ea hore na ho na le lisebelisoa tse kae tsa ts'ireletso sebakeng sa matsatsi a 90 sa COVID-19 ka Labone.
Congressman Ben Kallos o ngotse lethathamo la lisebelisoa tsa ts'ireletso tse phatlalalitsoeng nyeoeng e kopaneng le potso e latelang: "Na New York City e lekane?"
Lipuisanong tsa rona tse kopaneng tsa @NYCCcouncil, ho phatlalalitsoe lisebelisoa tsa ts'ireletso tsa #COVID19 tsa matsatsi a 90 (PPE): limaske tse limilione tse 13.5 tsa N95, lisutu tse ikhethileng tsa Lvl 3 tse limilione tse 37, limaske tse buoang tse limilione tse 54, li-gloves tsa nitrile tse limilione tse 185, likhalase tse 900,000 le likhalase. 6M thebe ea sefahleho.Potso: Na #NYC e lekane?
Ka Mots'eanong, ramotse Bill de Blasio o phatlalalitse hore toropo e tla theha le ho boloka lethathamo la matsatsi a 90 la PPE, "ho netefatsa hore lipetlele tsa toropo li khona ho arabela tsohong e ka bang teng ea COVID-19."
Ramotse o phatlalalitse hore o tla sebetsa ka thata ho fumana PPE e lekaneng ho feta beke.O boletse hore hang ha ho na le phepelo ea matsatsi a 14, toropo e tla eketsa thepa butle-butle.
de Blasio o itse ka nako eo: "Re ntse re ea liheleng, re loants'a vaerase ena letsatsi le leng le le leng.""Empa joale ha se nako ea hore re tlohele ho falimeha. Re rera ho sebelisa maemo ohle a ka bang teng a COVID-19 ho netefatsa hore Lipetlele tsa rona le bahale ba pele ba tla ba le matlafatso a hlokahalang ho pholosa bophelo."

Nako ea poso: Oct-29-2020
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